Long-Term Cat Pain Relief

Cats are often mobile and can feel pain from their flexible movements. You may not be able to see signs your cat is feeling unwell. These feline conditions must be treated immediately by your veterinarian. There are two options for long-term cat pain relief. There are two types of long-term cat pain relief options. One is chemical-based and the other is traditional herbal cat pain relief medication. Combining the traditional herbal pain reliever and the chemical-based pain relief is popular because cat owners believe these medications have an immediate effect.

However, there are warnings to be aware of when cats owners decide to use over-the-counter pain relief medications that are commonly used by humans. These over-the counter medications may not be safe for your cat's health. These over-the-counter pain relief products can cause toxicities and overdoses. Cat owners should bring their pets to a veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis and prescription.

There are medications that can be used to relieve pain in cats. They have the same effect as those that are prescribed for humans. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are a common medication that veterinarians use. These are usually used after surgery, or to treat persistent arthritis pain. This type of pain reliever may not be effective. A stronger medication for pain relief, such as steroid medication, can be administered. This steroid medication, Cortisone, can be used only for short-term use. Stronger drugs must be used on a shorter-term basis.

However, herbal remedies and traditional pain relief methods may be available. Herbal supplements are thought to provide natural relief and are therefore non-toxic when compared to other pain relievers. The scientific community is concerned about herbal supplements because there have not been any laboratory results that can prove their safety and effectiveness for cats.

Before giving herbal supplements to cats, cat owners should consult their veterinarian. To relieve cat pain, you can also use pain relief medications prescribed by veterinarians, herbal supplements, and acupuncture. Some veterinarians might not be open to this type of treatment. Some vets may not be familiar with acupuncture as a pain relief option. Cat owners should seek out another veterinarian who is familiar with alternative treatments to acupuncture. When looking for a veterinarian to perform these alternative treatments for your cat, you must have a holistic and in-depth knowledge of acupuncture and chiropractic.


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